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Middle School

Welcome to Middle School!  Our on-campus classes are multi-graded as 5th - 6th, and 7th - 8th.  Each student is challenged at his or her grade level.  

To be successful in this program, students will learn to manage their time, organize their materials, complete assignments on time and put forth the necessary effort. 



Middle School Courses


Parents are responsible for purchasing each child's curriculum in grades 5th -12th 

TRA MAY have books to loan if they are available.  In order to borrow books you must:

  • Fill out the proper form and turning it in to the TRA Office.  Requests are handled by date received.

  • Return any previously borrowed books from the previous year. (All books are numbered and assigned to students through the FACTS system and are checked back in when the student turns them in. 

  • Books are loaned on a first come -- first served basis and MUST have the dated form.

  • If a student has caused damage to a borrowed book so that the book cannot be loaned out again, they will not  be permitted to borrow for the subsequent school year.

  • Books are not guaranteed to be available as it depends on available inventory. 

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