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The Rock Academy
Partnering with parents to provide educational opportunities for students to fulfill their unique purpose.
Spanish II
1.0 Credit
This course is designed for high school students.
Spanish II continues students in their Spanish speaking and learning journey. Students will learn how to ask and answer questions in Spanish, give and follow directions, purchase items, make small talk, and present the gospel. The textbook is rich with activities to help students gain confidence with the Spanish language.
Teacher: Mrs. Batista
Required Materials
BJU Spanish 2 Textbook
2nd edition - $20-$30
You can buy this used MUCH cheaper
BJU Spanish 2 Activities Manual 2nd edition - $20-$30
You can buy this used MUCH cheaper
BJU Spanish 2 2nd edition Textbook
Activities Manual
1.5 inch 3 ring binder
Loose leaf college rule paper, pencils, pens and erasers
Large pack of Notecards and Notecard Holder
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