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The Rock Academy
Partnering with parents to provide educational opportunities for students to fulfill their unique purpose.
High School English I/II
American Literature
1.0 Credit (English I/II)
This course is designed for high school students.
High School English I/II Students will be studying American Literature and Composition including analysis, simulations, and activities which will require the students to participate in the written word.
The class is multi-graded and Mrs. Walshe will teach to both grade levels: 9th and 10th .
If students do not have ALL the readers the first week of class, TRA will purchase them and bill the family.
Teacher: Mrs. Walshe
Required Materials
Our Town
by Thornton Wilder
Great American
Short Stories
Edited by Paul Negri
Red Badge of Courage
by Stephen Crane
All Supplies are due DAY 1.​
The Write Foundation Parents purchase this from TRA
Our Town
Amerian Short Stories
CHANGE as of July 8
Must be edited by Paul Negri
Red Badge of Courage
A Separate Peace
The Pearl
3-ring binder 2.5" or 3"
Black/blue pen, pencil and eraser
A Separate Peace
by John Knowles
The Pearl
by John Steinbeck
Writing Curriculum: Parents purchase this from TRA.
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