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The Rock Academy
Partnering with parents to provide educational opportunities for students to fulfill their unique purpose.
United States History & Bible II
1.0 Credit ( American History) 0.5 Credit (Bible I)
This course is designed for 10th graders and 11th graders.
US History Students will study the story of the United States from exploration through western expansion and growth, to modern times. The course will highlight the people, places, and events that shaped our great country and give glory to God for His providence.
Bible Component Students will study the scriptures and complete Bible assignments as they pertain to the US History lessons outlined in the curriculum.

Yanzza Rojas-Negron
Required Materials
Notgrass Exploring America
Volume 1- 2019 Edition
Approximately $50
Notgrass Exploring America 2019 Edition
Approximately 50
Notgrass: Exploring America. Volumes I and II
3-ring binder (1 inch)
4 Dividers (for 3-ring binders labeled: Get Ready!, Notes, Weekly assignments, and Assessments)
Black/blue pen, pencil
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