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The Rock Academy
Partnering with parents to provide educational opportunities for students to fulfill their unique purpose.
Biology I
1.0 Credit (Biology I)
This course is designed for high school students.
Biology I Students will be participating in discussion, study, and experiments as they study Biology from a Christian worldview.
CHANGED as of July 8. The WRONG EDITION was pictured. This has been corrected below.
Teacher: Mrs. Green
Required Materials

Do NOT attempt to purchase the Notebooking Journal for the 2nd edition Biology book as it is NOT AVAILABLE.
TRA will provide the materials.
SEE NOTE to the right.
Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology - 2nd Edition
You will need to find this USED.
Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology Textbook 2nd Edition
Notebooking Journal will be provided by TRA
$25 for Private Pay Students
Covered by Scholarship
1/2 inch 3-ring binder
24 colored pencils and black pen
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