The Rock Academy
Partnering with parents to provide educational opportunities for students to fulfill their unique purpose.
On-Campus Culture

Kindness and Grace
Although we are all imperfect in some way, we are being changed day by day and minute by minute into the image of Christ. We are renewing our minds and practicing kindness and grace. God has designed that this would happen in the context of fellowship with others.
Learning to maintain Kingdom standards while governing what we say and how we say it, listening to others-even if we disagree-, and walking in forgiveness are foundational planks to the structure of TRA campus life.
TRA faculty believe that we model this behavior for students, teaching them what it is to honor and respect one another. This is how we are truly one and bring glory to God. It is not the easy path for it is far easier to put others down and retaliate when someone offends us. When students act unwisely, we quickly lead them to repent and demonstrate how to handle situations of frustration in a better way. Students who display chronic or severe behavior issues that do not respond to our classroom management strategies cannot continue to remain on campus.
At this time, TRA students are required to bring their own lunches and snacks to campus.
The Rock Academy believes in bringing the Kingdom to the fine arts in a powerful way. Students are given the opportunity to learn all about theater, including the audition process, music training, choreography, set and prop building, while in a positive environment of excellence.
Dance Lessons
NEW dance classes for the
upcoming school year

Piano Lessons
NEW piano classes for the upcoming school year
TRA Theater Presents
The Rock Academy produces a musical each spring. Previous performances include:
Johnny Appleseed
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Alice in Wonderland
What is Christmas?
Time after Time
The Wind in the Willows
Oz, the Musical
The Enchanted Bookshop
Willie Wonka Jr.
Beauty and Beast Jr.
Tavon Wickerwhistle

Every school year, students take on the challenge of ministering to families in need through fund raising and bringing awareness to specific needs.
Volunteer for Community Service both on and off campus
Run a booth at The Rock Church Fall Festival
Participate in 'Pink Days' for Breast Cancer Awareness
Raise money for needy families through raffles and candy sales
Bring needs before the student body
Participate in their local churches and youth groups